The endpoint protection platform provides a collection of security capabilities to protect PCs, smartphones and…

Important Info About
WannaCry Ransomware Outbreak
We are sure you have heard in the past week about the WannaCry Ransomware outbreak. We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about one of our strategic partners; Sophos. Sophos is a leading firewall, endpoint protection AND Ransomware protection partner.
Learn what ‘WannaCry Ransomeware’ is and how you can stay protected!
WannaCry was not the beginning of Ransomware AND WILL NOT be the end. Updating AV and getting current patches is not enough either. It still does not stop users from clicking on emails or links that can infect their machine and spread to your network.
Click here for more information from Sophos on the recent outbreak. There is also a link below that will take you to a short video explaining how the ransomware works and more importantly, how Sophos can protect you from Ransomware:
Contact us today to get pricing to start protecting your valuable data! Need more information? Contact us about setting up a web meeting with Sophos and CPS right away.
CPS Technology Solutions
3949 County Road 116
Hamel, MN 55340
T. 800-438-4202
D. 763-553-1514