AS400 & iSeries Cloud Hosting FAQ’s – answering many common questions our cloud customers ask – and will assist in making the right cloud hosting decision for your company.
How will user response time compare to my current server?
Because the AS400 & iSeries hosting is a centralized processing environment, response times are largely a function of processing speed. Even with the latency associated with remote access over the internet, response times will be equal to or better than what you have now.
How much internet bandwidth will I need?
CPS AS400 & iSeries Hosting has done extensive testing of bandwidth requirements. In most environments we tested, it was discovered that the average bandwidth utilization was 11Kb/sec during the day, or less than 100th of a T1 speed. Because of the nature of an AS 400 & iSeries, they are very bandwidth efficient. For those of us old enough to remember, it used to be common to run whole remote offices over a 56k phone line.
What if I sign up and it just isn’t working for me?
CPS guarantees the performance of this solution. You will not pay anything until the solution is working to your complete satisfaction, and regardless of the length of agreement you sign, you have the right to cancel with a 30 day notice if you are unhappy with the level of service.
What if my internet goes down?
The CPS Data center site is directly connected to 3 major internet fiber loops. The combined uptime percentage is well over 99.9%. The bigger concern would be your individual internet connection. CPS offers some low cost solutions for redundancy and automatic failover at your location if this is a concern. We would be glad to provide you with individual options based on what’s available in your area.
What about OS version updates?
Because CPS will be maintaining IBM software maintenance (SWMA on your server, there is no cost of version updates from IBM. However, the cost of implementing a version update is not included in your monthly fee, and would be an additional charge. Because of the additional control and the fact that the server is local to us, we would expect that fee to be much less than what it would cost to do the same upgrade on a server at your site.
What about Data Security?
Virtual servers on an AS400 & iSeries (LPARS) operate as if they were separate physical servers. Data can not be shared internally between virtual servers. User access and security is maintained in the same fashion it is today, with your user profiles determining who can access particular apps and files.
But won’t CPS have access to my system?
Yes, we will need occasional administrative access to perform various tasks. But, you will have full ability to lock us out of the system just like any other user. If you are not comfortable with allowing us permanent access, you can turn on our access when we need it, and monitor our activities, then turn off access when we are done. This can also be done with any other vendors that may need access to your system.
What about the IBM Licensed Programs on my current server?
You won’t need them. CPS will provide the IBM Licensed programs you need. You retain the legal right to your licensed programs in the event that you move back to your own iSeries in the future.
What if I am running at an old OS level?
We have the ability to run at V5R4 and up. If you are running an older version of the OS, we have the experience and expertise to upgrade your programs and data to run under a more current release of the OS. And by choosing the Hosting option, you do not have to pay the SWMA charges and penalties in order to move to a more current level.
Can I continue to run programs in Sys36 Environment mode?
Yes, IBM is continuing to support Sys36 Environment even in the latest release, V7R1. Our host servers can run your applications in this mode, or in a combination of Sys36 Environment and native.
What if I have multiple locations?
AS 400 & iSeries hosting works great with multiple locations such as branch offices or individuals on the road, as well as providing access for selected vendors and clients. And, one of the nice benefits is that these other locations do not use up the bandwidth at your main location as they would all communicate directly to the host.
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